Welcome to Target Tamers' ultimate list of hunting forums.
We have scoured the internet in search of the best hunting forums in America & Canada and while there are hundreds of forums out there, we have handpicked the ones that are the most relevant and have the most activity in them.
The forums are sectioned into groups to ensure it is easy for you to navigate to the ones you are most interested in.
Hunting Forums By Activity
Hunting Forums by State (A-O)
Hunting Forums by State (P-Z)
Hunting Forum in Canada
Forums by Hunting Type
General Hunting
https://huntingnet.com/forum - With over 250,000 members and over 4.2 million posts this forum is a popular one. There are threads for most types of hunting, classifieds & also an Outfitters thread.
https://huntingchat.net/ - This forum has over half a million posts and over 9,500 members. They cater to most types of hunting & have a fishing forum also. You can also connect with hunters from your own state as there is a section where the forum is sectioned by State, or grouped by an area of states.
https://www.myhuntingforum.com/hunting_forum/index.php - These guys have over 2,900 members and over 175,000 posts on the forum. It is well laid out and easy to navigate to the state or type of hunting you are interested in.
http://www.thehuntingbeast.com/index.php - Most types of hunting are covered in this forum, they also have podcasts for those who like to listen. There are over 8,000 members and well over 500,000 posts.
https://jesseshunting.com/ - Hunting from all around the world can be found here, it is a huge forum with pretty much everybody catered for including the fisherman. There is also a Trading Post/Classifieds section. You could take a week off work and still not touch the surface of the posts there are here. Over 1.4 million posts and over 42,000 members.
http://www.huntfishnw.com - This is a fairly new forum for avid hunters & photographers alike, there are over 1300 members and 100,000 plus posts to read through, with plenty being on photography.
https://www.theoutdoorsforum.com/tof/ - This is a large forum with loads of different topics to read & join in on. With over 10,500 members and well over 700,000 posts there isn’t much that hasn’t been discussed.
http://www.theoutdoorsforum.com/forums - This forum covers plenty of types of hunting including Bear, it also has plenty of threads on most other hunting topics. With over 5,000 members and over 500,000 posts there is plenty to read.
https://www.nodakoutdoors.com/forums - A great forum with nice menus at the top for easy navigation. These include plenty of fishing posts as well as hunting. With over 34,500 members and over 750,000 posts made you can be assured there will be something that interests you there. They also have a classifieds section.
http://www.muleymadness.com/forum - This forum Is a bit quieter than some of the other bigger ones, quite a few topics that haven’t had a post in them for quite some time. There are over 3,000 members and 120,000 + posts to read through.
http://www.bayoubucks.com/forum - A busy forum with plenty of hunting types covered, deer hunting seems to have the most number of threads, so if you like deer hunting you will like this forum. It has over 11,700 members and well over 890,000 posts.
http://www.tndeer.com/tndeertalk/ubbthreads.php - This is another popular forum with over 13,500 members and over 1.1 million posts on the board. There are threads on deer hunting, politics, gardening and even cooking.
http://ushunting.proboards.com - This forum is well laid out and has plenty of threads, from hunting in Russia to loads of info on different guns. With over 4,600 members and over 120,000 posts there is lots to read.
https://www.longrangehunting.com/forums - This is an extensive forum with loads of different topics covered, its well laid out and seems to have a lot of activity. I can’t see the stats anywhere but just by looking at it you can see that its worth a look.
https://www.hunttalk.com - Another solid forum with plenty for the big game hunter and lots of chat about optics and different gear. With over 18,500 members and over 800, 000 posts there is something for everyone.
https://www.monstermuleys.info/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.pl - Plenty to read about on deer and elk, and has localized forums for quite a few states. I can’t see member numbers or posts but looks to be active.
http://biggamehoundsmen.com/forum/index.php - If you like hunting with dogs this is a great place to check out, they have lots of posts on all sorts of hunting from lion, fox, hog to coyote hunting. Sporting over 11,000 members and over 200,000 posts you can be assured there will be plenty to read.
http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums - One of the biggest forums I have visited so far with heaps of activity and plenty of different threads ranging from Varmint hunting to predator biology. With over 54,000 members and over 3,000,000 posts you could take a year off and still not get through half of the info on here.
http://www.smallcaliberclub.com/index.php - A small forum for small calibre gun owners, not much activity and not but it has over 600 members and over 11,500 posts so worth a poke around.
https://www.rokslide.com/forums - Most forms of hunting have a thread in this lively forum and there are gear threads, classifieds and much more. With over 17,500 members and over 650,000 posts you will have plenty to read through.
https://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums - While more of a forum on guns and ammunition that covers pretty much every gun known to mankind, it does have a hunting thread with plenty of posts in it. With over 4.7 million posts and over 140,000 members this is one monster of a forum.
https://hotspotoutdoors.com/forums - With a huge range of thread options from hunting to ice fishing to bird watching you can’t go wrong having a look around this forum. I can’t see member numbers or total posts but deer hunting alone has over 90,000 posts.
Bow Hunting Forums
https://forums.bowhunting.com - This forum is well laid out and has plenty for the bow hunting enthusiast to read through. With classifieds, regional forums & much more it’s no wonder there are over 31,000 members and have a whopping 1.3 million + posts.
https://www.crossbownation.com/community - Not so much a crossbow hunting forum, it’s more of a crossbow forum with a hunting thread. If you are into crossbows then this sure is a place to check out. There is a huge list of bow manufacturers and threads discussing them. I can see why it is so active and has a healthy 16,000 plus members and over 450,000 posts.
https://www.archerytalk.com/vb/index.php - This is not really a hunting forum either but the size and popularity of it means it deserves to be mentioned. While there are plenty of threads the main 3 where general archery discussion, bowhunting & the classifieds. This site has an incomprehensible 427,000 + members and a hard to digest 31 million + posts.
Deer Hunting Forums
http://deerhunterforum.com/index.php - While the URL suggest it is deer hunting only there are threads on bowhunting, bird hunting and more. Currently there are over 1150 members and over 50,000 posts.
https://www.deerhuntersclub.com/forums - Don’t be fooled by the domain name, this forum has plenty of threads on different types of hunting but looking at the dates on the posts it looks to be fairly quiet with not too many threads for 2017. Stats say there are over 7,500 members and over 80,000 posts.
http://www.wapititalk.com/Hunting - There are threads on Elk and game hunting with other threads including fishing. I can’t see that stats regarding members and posts but it doesn’t look too busy, however is still worth a peek.
Duck Hunting Forums
https://www.duckhuntingchat.com/forum - There is a huge array of topics on Duck & Goose hunting, however there are also threads on big game hunting and fishing. These threads are pretty quiet compared to the others though. There are also duck hunting topics by State so that is a bonus. It’s no surprise there are over 75,000 members and over 2,900,000 posts.
https://scducks.com/forum/forum.php - Not just duck threads here, there are threads for bow hunting and deer hunting, and there is even a thread for Alligator hunting. The currently have over 13,000 members and over a whopping 2.2 million posts to read through.
https://waterfowlforum.net/index.php - Although this forum looks to have small game and big game hunting threads they haven’t had any activity for quite some time. If you love your duck hunting then you can join over 2,500 members and read through some of the 385,000 plus posts.
https://refugeforums.com/forums - Another epic duck hunting forum with other threads on big game, varmint, and fishing however it is clearly a duck hunter’s paradise. Sporting over 38,500 members and an incomprehensible 8.8 million posts and growing. Strap yourself in, it’s going to be a long night.
Elk Hunting Forums
http://www.elk101.com/forums/index.php - This is as its name implies, a forum primarily about elk hunting. You can read through general hunting, the hunt planner and even the University of Elk hunting. This looks to be a nice active forum that currently boasts over 3,300 members and over 26,000 posts.
Goose Hunting Forums
http://www.goosehuntingchat.com/forum - This forum is goose central with nearly all threads to do with goose hunting. Not a huge amount of activity on the forum but still worth checking out. Current stats have it at over 11,000 members and over 145,000 posts.
https://www.snowgoosecentral.com/forum - A nice compact forum with a very active member base. If you aren’t a goose hunter I wouldn’t bother but if you are you’d be ducking crazy not to pop by. They have over 15,000 members and a solid 100,000 plus posts to peruse.
Pheasant Hunting Forums
https://www.ultimatepheasanthunting.com/forum - The name of the forum pretty much sums it up as It’s all about pheasant and quail hunting. It has a thread for most individual states which is pretty handy if you want to chat to locals in your area. There seems to be plenty of activity and currently there are over 7,900 members and over 225,000 posts.
Trap Shooting Forums
https://www.trapshooters.com - Threads include Gunsmithing, Hunting, Politics, a for sale section, & more. This is a very active forum with plenty happening. Currently there are over 61,000 members and over 2.4 million posts.
Varmint Hunting Forums
https://www.varminthunters.com/forum/index.php - The only Varmint Only hunting forum I could find. Not much recent activity, however there are over 9,000 members and over 350,000 posts.
Hunting Forums by State
http://forum.gon.com/ - When you see a forum that has over a million posts in the Deer hunting thread only, you know its going to be one that is worth checking out. Its nicely laid out with small game hunters through to bear hunters catered to. It has eye-popping statistics boasting a massive 107,000 plus members and over 9.9 million posts. That’s enough to keep anybody busy for many years.
http://hunt-indiana.com - Another great forum, it has a cool background image to give it a bit more of a hunting/camo feel. There are hunting forums and non-hunting forums to suit most people. Most of the hunting threads have had recent activity which is great. According to the site stats there are over 5,900 members and more than 494,000 posts.
https://www.iowasportsman.com/forum - This forum has a large amount of threads on all sorts of hunting types, it even has Mushroom hunting (true). While I can’t locate the post numbers and member numbers I can see that the forum is busy and has plenty of new posts going up daily.
https://www.kentuckyhunting.net/forum - This is a well laid out forum with plenty of activity going on. There are different types of hunting covered, wildlife management and hunting weapons. It’s no surprise there are over 18,800 members and more than 1.6 million messages.
New Jersey
https://www.newjerseyhunter.com/forums/forum.php - From politics, guns, and hunting, there is something for everyone here. It looks like a nice active forum that is worth checking out. Currently there are over 40,000 members and more than 2.9 million posts to read through.
New York
https://huntingny.com/forums - Plenty going on over in this forum, lots of different threads covering lots of different types of hunting, and accessories. It’s a popular forum and has over 7,000 members and over 580,000 posts.
North Carolina
https://nchuntandfish.com/forums/index.php - A very popular forum with most main threads having had activity in the last day or two, this is a great sign of a thriving forum. There are threads on deer & turkey hunting, fishing and trail cameras, plenty there for everyone. With over 3,000 members and more than 520,000 posts you have plenty to read through.
https://www.theohiooutdoors.com/forums - There are plenty of posts here for deer hunting, bird hunting, fishing and much more. The forum is well sectioned and has plenty of people taking part. With over 3,500 members and over 550,000 posts it’s a great place to check out.
http://www.bowhuntingohio.com - Plenty of threads on all sorts of things including deer and turkey hunting. Not a huge amount of new posts going up with a lot of the threads latest reply over a month ago. That said there are over 6,000 members and over 28,000 posts.
https://www.huntingpa.com/forums - Lots happening in the general hunting and archery hunting threads, they even have a snake hunting forum. This is a highly trafficked forum and very popular as you can see by the high number of members which was over 36,000 when I checked and there are more than 1.8 million posts to read through.
https://texashuntingforum.com/ - With over 62,000 members and over 590,000 posts it easy to see why there is so much activity on this forum. It is well laid out and there are plenty of threads to keep you reading into the small hours of the evening.
http://discussions.texasbowhunter.com/forums/index.php - From recipes & photography, to public hunting opportunities, this forum has plenty of great info. There are over 12 million posts and over 8 million of those are in the “Around the Campfire” area. There are also over 79,000 members and there is loads of activity going on which is great.
https://utahwildlife.net/forum - If you like fishing and hunting (which is very likely) then this is a great forum to take a look at. The threads are nicely sectioned to Fishing & Hunting and it is easy to navigate. As far as popularity, there are plenty members, in fact over 11,700 and to go with that there are over 600,000 posts.
https://www.va-outdoors.com/forum - While marked as a hunting and fishing forum this is predominately fishing with many threads dedicated to it. There is not a huge amount of threads with activity but it’s worth a gander if you have some spare time. As for numbers, there are over 92,000 posts and more than 3,500 members.
https://hunting-washington.com/smf/index.php - A great forum covering lots of hunting types including Bear, Wolf & Fishing. It seems to be a very popular forum with many of the threads having a post in the last day or two. Sporting over 22,000 members and more than 1.6 million posts it makes sense to swing by and check out this forum.
Canada Hunting Forum
www.outdoorsmenforum.ca - Very active forum with millions of posts to read on loads of topics. These include Archery, Fishing, Trapping, Hunting and lots more. I highly recommend you check it out.
We hope you enjoyed reading through our list and found plenty of forums that relate to your type of hunting. If you happen to come across a forum that you feel is great value and has plenty of activity, please let us know in the comments below.